Price list for booking events at Semington Village Hall - (2024 Price List)
Standard Hall Booking - Villagers
£14.00 per hour
- For personal events (birthday parties etc) and group events (clubs party / gathering)
- Access to Hall
- Access to Skittles Alley if required
- Access to Kitchen
- Pay per hour required
Standard Hall Booking - Non-Villagers
£18.00 per hour
- For personal events (birthday parties etc) and group events (clubs party / gathering)
- Access to Hall
- Access to Skittles Alley if required
- Access to Kitchen
- Pay per hour required
Lounge Booking
£12.00 per hour
- Ideal for smaller groups who don't need the whole hall space but want someone comfortable to hold meetings or get togethers
- Access to Lounge
- Only available until 7pm
- Access to Kitchen
- Pay per hour required
Wakes - Villagers
- Special rate for people who would like a location for family and friends to meet following a funeral
- Access to Hall
- Access to Kitchen
- Booking to cover appox 4 hours
Wakes - Non Villagers
- Special rate for people who would like a location for family and friends to meet following a funeral
- Access to Hall
- Access to Kitchen
- Booking to cover appox 4 hours
Business Rate
£20.00 per hour
- Commercial rates for business who wish to book the hall for a meeting or event
- Access to Hall
- Access to Skittles Alley if required
- Access to Kitchen
- Pay per hour required
Winter Fule Charge
£5.00Per Event
- All bookings between October - March will be subject to an additional charge to help cover electricity costs (heating and lighting)